ASICentrum, established in 1992 in Prague is a design center of EM Microelectronic and a competence center of the Swatch Group Services and ETA. Since 2001 ASICentrum has been participating in design of most advanced ultra-low power low voltage analog-digital integrated circuits for EM Microelectronic. Activities in development of embedded SW (since 11/2015), various applications related to mobile devices and wireless communication (since 1/2016) added up. ASICentrum has the ISO9001:2015 and ISO/TS16946:2016 certifications. ASICentrum established long tradition in co-operation with Czech technical universities by giving lectures, training students and providing topics of their thesis.
ASICentrum spol. s r.o., Novodvorská 994, 142 21 Praha 4
Phone: +420 226 772 111
ASICentrum spol. s r.o., Purkyňova 648/125, 612 00 Brno - Medlánky
Phone: +420 511 156 213